What Is a +1?

1,500+ Daily Practical Micro-Lessons.

Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

Our +1's are 2-5 minute big ideas to Improve your life, shared every day.

The world’s best wisdom distilled into inspiring, impactful and practical micro-lessons you can apply to your life today. And every (!) day.

These are usually between 2-5 minutes and pack a punch with reflection prompts and additional resources.

Brian Johnson creates all of the +1s. These are usually distilled from either one memorable idea from a PhilosophersNote or an additional source of wisdom such as everyday life events.

The +1 experience (and the content) is a lot like a daily boost that you can watch, read, or listen to on whatever your device may be: it's brief, packed with wisdom, and connected to other epic ideas.

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