Are there Subtitles?

Need to transcribe the videos? Read on:

Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

We don't yet have transcriptions and subtitles for everything in the app, some newer pieces of content do have subtitles, but our older Philosopher notes, 101 classes and +1s do not have subtitles HOWEVER if you watch our content using Google Chrome as your browser, there is a new feature that will give subtitles (*in English only) to any video you are watching on your browser.

You don't need to download any external app or extension!

Just go to the piece of content that you'd like to watch while using Google Chrome, hit play on the video, then click this little button with the music note and hit "live captions" and voila! it will start to share in written form everything Brian says!

Let us know if you need more support at

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