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Can you translate the content into other languages?
Can you translate the content into other languages?

Looking to take Heroic to the International Market? 🌍

Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

Thank you (Gracias, Merci, Orbigado, 谢谢, Спасибо!!) for thinking of translating to another language, this is a great idea! 

At Heroic, we think there is a huge opportunity to make the content available in different languages (We already translated the  first 100 PhilosophersNotes into Spanish.) And... Right now we're REALLY focused on creating a solid foundation in English. Branching out into other languages is more of a focus for our 2025 calendar. 😅

We appreciate your enthusiasm, interest, and support in our endeavor!

Sending love,

- Team Heroic

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