How does Brian read books?

Hint: It's not Speed Reading! πŸ“– πŸ‘€

Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

We get this question a lot! So we went to the man himself to get his input!Β 

Check out these two +1s for more!

Here's what Brian had to say in the past when asked:

"Although I read pretty quickly (30-50 pages/hour depending on density/formatting/etc.) and with an intense focus, I don't speed read per se. I imagine I'm sitting down with a brilliant thinker/teacher who took the time to distill their absolute best stuff so I want to be efficient but don't want to rush."

The primary thing for Brian is making it a high priority. Of course, it's his full-time job so it has to be, but it's all about swapping out time-wasting stuff like TV/excess Internet for stuff like reading!

For a recent dive into it, here's Brian's response during one of our Heroic Coach live Coaching sessions.

Here's an even older video on how he's aproached reading:Β 

Hope that satisfies your question! πŸ™‚

Cheers + happy reading, πŸ“–πŸ‘€

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