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How do I use the app on non-work days, like the weekend?
How do I use the app on non-work days, like the weekend?

Set your work targets according to your needs!

Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

There are a few different ways one might approach their work targets. Before we offer some pathways though, we might first ground ourselves in the fact that the Heroic App is a tool and that we always encourage you to use it in a way that’s helpful and supportive to you in showing up as your best self.

Now, tactically, here’s what you might do:

1. On non-work days you might create (and set) targets that help you fully be OFF work so that you can get the rest and recovery you need to show up most fully in your work when you do again have a working day. Perhaps this is staying unplugged, prioritizing sleep, or whatever you do to show up at your best when you’re not working (even if there may be some overlap with Energy and Love).

2. You might also set some targets that could be considered “Work” but are not related to your paying job. This might be working on a craft or creative endeavor, intentionally creating periods of solitude to think through next steps in your “Work” journey, volunteering or doings something that serves others, or doing some intentional learning, whether that be through reading or engaging with some Heroic wisdom.

3. Last idea I’ll mention here, though certainly not least — you might create targets that help you stay committed to whatever your role is even if you aren’t working that day. For example, “51 | 2051” is a target our Heroic team might like to re-commit to every day, even if we're not working, as it helps us recommit to our mission.

Of course you can form a hybrid of the above and/or explore other pathways that might work best for you.

The best part of the Heroic App is that your protocol is your protocol and you create your very own protocol that works for you.

If you have any questions feel free to reach to us at

- Team Heroic

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