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The Official Heroic Social FAQ
The Official Heroic Social FAQ
Zak Drake avatar
Written by Zak Drake
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to this proactive collection of frequently asked questions, curated with the questions we anticipate you'll ask.

This resource will help you join Heroic social and gain a complete understanding of the platform's features!

General Questions

How do I set/change my Heroic social handle?

To set your Heroic handle for the first time, complete the social onboarding on the Together tab.

Once your social profile is set up, you can also change your Heroic social handle in your profile settings. Head to your profile in the top right corner, tap "Edit Profile" and look for the "Social Handle" section, and you'll be able to update your desired handle there.

How can I update my protocol to private or public?

You can adjust your privacy settings in the "Edit Profile" area as well. Scroll down to the "Protocol Privacy" section, and you will be able to toggle between private and public settings to hide both your protocol and Soul Force score from public view.

Note: This does not fully hide your profile from being searchable.

How do I share my profile with others?

To share your profile with others, simply tap the "kebab" menu close to Edit Profile section.

What's the difference between a Free vs Premium membership to access Heroic social?

Free Users Can:

  • Entitlements: VIEW

  • Create a Social Profile / Go through Social Onboarding

  • Edit their Social Profile

  • Open the Social Tab

  • Scroll the Feed

  • View Public Posts

Premium & Above Members Can:

  • Entitlements: CREATE, INTERACT

  • Connect with others on Social (Follow, Buddy, etc)

  • Create, Edit, Delete Notes

  • Interact with Notes

Not a member? Join here:

Is there a web app for Heroic social?

We're launching Heroic social as an app-only experience for now. A web version is on the backlog.

How do I delete my Heroic social account?

Reach out to for support with this!

Sharing Notes to your Feed

What is the Heroic social Feed?

The Heroic social community feed is a central space where you can share your thoughts, updates, and experiences with the Heroic community. It's a place to connect with others, boost Notes and engage in discussions!

What’s a Note and how do I create one?

A Note is a post or update you can share on Heroic social. To create one, tap the "Create Note" button on your social feed. You can add text, images, or videos to your Note before sharing it.

What is the character limit for a Note?

With a nod to our mission, Notes are capped at 2051 characters!

What are the Energy/Work/Love filters for?

The Energy, Work, and Love filters help categorize your Notes to make them easier to discover and navigate. You can use these filters to sort your content based on these categories.

How do I save a Note as a Draft?

To streamline your posting process, utilize the Drafts feature. Simply start creating a Note as you normally would, and if you need to pause or refine your content before publishing, tap the "x" button and instead of discarding your Note, select the "Save as Draft" button. This will store your work in progress, allowing you to revisit and edit it later. Access your drafts from the top right section of the Create Note section, and when you're ready to share, tap it to finalize your Note and tap "Create Note." Drafts ensure flexibility and efficiency in managing your Note creation.

How do I boost or comment on someone else's Note?

Boosts are our version of the typical "like" button. You can tap on the boost icon (πŸ”₯) to fire up your fellow heroes! Tip: Notice how the color changes as you get/give more boosts on a particular Note!

For comments, just hit the comment icon to open the Note's comment section!

What privacy settings do my Notes have?

You can set the privacy level of your Notes by choosing who can see them. Options include "Public," "Buddies," and "Followers."

The option for "Private notes" are not available yet but will be in the future!

How do I add a photo/video?

When creating a Note, you can include photos or videos by tapping the "Add Media" button within the Note creation interface.

How do I mention someone else?

To mention someone in your Note, type "@" followed by their handle.
After mentioning another hero via their @handle, it will notify them of the mention.

Are there hashtags/what are hashtags?

Yes! Hashtags are like magic words on Heroic social! 🌟 Just add a '#' before a word, and voila, you've got a hashtag. They're awesome because they help people find and connect with stuff they love. If you're into ice baths, for example, just use the search feature and enter #ColdPlunge, and you'll discover a world of ice baths! πŸ₯Ά

Feel free to create your own special hashtag to start a cool trend! But don't go crazy – a few hashtags per post is plenty. So, go ahead, sprinkle some hashtags, and watch your Notes light up with boosts and comments! πŸ”₯ πŸ“± #HappyHashtagging

Can I schedule Notes to be posted at a specific time?

There aren't any plans for that at this time!

Can I edit or delete a Note after posting it?

Yes! Tap on the three dot menu (...) on the bottom right of your note to edit or remove your note.

Where is the notification section?

It's the bell icon (πŸ””) in the top-right-corner of the main top navigation.

Community Connections

How can I connect with my friends on Heroic social?

You can connect with friends by searching for their @handle or real names in the searchbar and sending them a buddy request, and/or by following that hero.

Can I search for heroes by location/area?

In the future, you will be able to search for heroes by location or area using the search function. Simply enter a location or area keyword in the search bar, and relevant profiles will appear. This feature is not yet available.

How do I follow/unfollow someone?

To follow someone, visit their profile and tap the "Follow" button. To unfollow, simply tap "Unfollow" on their profile or in your following list.

How do I become Buddies with someone?

Becoming Buddies involves both members mutually agreeing to the connection. You can send a Buddy request to someone, and they can accept it to establish the connection.

What’s the difference between a Buddy, Follower, and Guide?

Buddies are mutual connections where both members agree to connect. Followers are members who follow your Notes, and you may not follow them back. Guides are anyone that you follow.

What happens when I "Unbuddy" Someone? Do I become their Guide, and on their end, they become a Follower?

When you "Unbuddy" someone (e.g. removing them as a Buddy in your Connections tab), you end the mutual connection. They may still follow you or be a Guide of yours.

Can I send a direct message to someone?

While direct messaging may not be available at the moment, it is planned for the future!

What do I do if I encounter inappropriate content or behavior?

Please use our feature to report or block a member. There is a form you may fill out with the necessary information for the interaction or the block request.

Are there any guidelines or rules for interactions on Heroic social?

Yes! You must agree to them before joining Heroic social.

Are there Groups?

Not yet!

How do I see who's following me or who I'm following?

On your profile (located in the top right corner) you can tap on the stats for the guides, buddies, and followers that you have. This will open your "Connections" tab and you'll be able to see them all listed.

What happens if someone sends me a Buddy request?

You'll receive a new notice in your notification section. You can access this by tapping on the bell icon (πŸ””) located in the top right corner of the app navigation.

From there, you can tap on the notice and decide on your next action!

Additional questions? Reach out to anytime!

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